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505 Resurrection    (2013)

Tan Kian Ming 2013: 505 Resurrection (photography, single-channel video - 5.05 mins)

Directed / Edited by: 

Tan Kian Ming

Performed by: 

Yee Yik Lim


Ong Teck Fok / Hubert Chong You Cheng / Lucas Wong You Zheng

On the 5th of May in 2013, Malaysia had its 13th national election. Nights before the election, a group of Malaysian international students decide to go back to their motherland to participate in this historical moment. For documenting this election, a guy shaves his hair at different parts of the city to represent the determination of political reform in Malaysia. 




2013 年 5 月 5 號是馬來西亞第 13 屆全國選舉,選舉前夕一群在台大馬留學生決定回國參與這歷史性的一刻。為了記錄這次的選舉,透過影像以站點式的落髮紀錄,對體制提出改革的決心。

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