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Phantom    (2014)

On the 5th of May in 2013, Malaysia had its 13th national election, in which its citizens used the water-proof electoral ink on their forefinger to stamp on the ballot papers; repetition of votes could thus be prevented. Typically, the ink should last for a week, but the country ended up seeing voters washed the ink off immediately after they stamped on their ballot papers, which made repetitions for voting possible. Some believed it would be an excellent way to cheat in the election, and some believed phantom voters would influence the election because foreign labours were given rights to vote if they expressed their interests in participation. The election seemed to be somewhat unfair because of those unpredictable phantom voters.


It is legal Malaysian voters who appear in this work, illustrating cheat and unfairness in the election with unidentified appearance.



2013年5⽉5日是馬來西亞第 13 屆全國選舉,選民須以不脫色墨水塗抹於食指作為投票記錄以免重複投票。過程中,原本一個星期內無法洗脫的特質墨水,投過票的選民眾當下即可用清水清除,造成有選民重複投票的可能性。有人認為不脫色墨水或許是有關當局的舞弊手段。再者,凡是願意參與投票的外籍勞工,有關當局會給予大馬公民身分證,並承認此外籍勞工為大馬公民構成幽靈選票的現象。因此,無法預測的“偽選民”數量造成了選舉體制的不公。



檔案 9.jpg
Tan Kian Ming 2014: Phantom (photography - dimensions variable)
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