5 - 22 November 2016
CHENG Shao-Hung
WANG Pinpin
YAO Jui-Chung + Lost Society Document
Sandy Hsiu-Chih LO
CHEN I-Hsuen
LEE Pei-Yu
TAN Kian Ming
Organiser : VT ARTSALON
Host/Venues: Hin Bus Depot
Sponsor:National Culture and Arts Foundation, Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government
Sphere is a fictional figure created by Taiwanese novelist Ping Lu in a short story, 'The Taiwan Miracle', published in 1991. Sphere was set as a New York Times columnist. He coined the term “Taiwanize, Taiwanization” to describe a series of chaos in American society that people crazily follow the Taiwanese trend.
At the very beginning of the novel, it starts with “this article is dedicated to our miraculous economic development.” The line indicates the author’s ironic tone when composing. Meanwhile, the story echoes Taiwan’s social phenomena since the 80s and the power and cultural structure that chase and depend upon the United States. Nevertheless, the plot totally goes rather the other way round. It depicts the extreme Taiwanization in American society. And the craze could be told from the ultimate admiration and imitation of Taiwan’s culture, entertainment and material. In the satiric sense, the author on one hand deals with issues of Taiwan’s Americanization, and on the other hand, brings up important questions of international relation at both the center and the periphery. Here, we see a new mode of colonization emerged after WWII which is a penetrating force integrating history, military and economic power. The new mode contains the development of a nation in every aspect, and further shapes the local collective desire.
展期 : 2016/11/05-2016/11/22
藝術家 : 姚瑞中、羅秀芝、陳以軒、陳建泯、李珮瑜
主辦單位 : 非常廟藝文空間
協辦單位/展覽地點 : 檳城興巴士藝文中心
史斐爾(Sphere)是一個台灣小說家平路筆下的一個虛擬人物,來自1991年出版的短篇小說《台灣奇蹟》。史斐爾被描寫為紐約時報的專欄作家,首先造出了「台灣化」(Taiwanize, Taiwanization)一詞來形容一連串美國社會對台灣趨之若鶩的亂象。
因此這麼可以說 : 「台灣化」之中存在著無數相對應的國家,雖然故事發生在台美,但在這裡實質提出的是一個連結全球的整體性議題。睿智的史斐爾發明的詞彙實際上形容的是當今世界權力、經濟、文化的發展以及其濫觴之患。
本展覽參照《台灣奇蹟》的路徑和議題,從探討在地的社會、政治、經濟與環境出發,對應到當前亞洲及全球面臨的各種問題:諸如資本主義、開發主義、區域權力鬥爭與流動、文化與經濟殖民等等。展覽邀請4位台灣與1位馬來西亞藝術家 : 姚瑞中、羅秀芝、陳以軒、李珮瑜、陳建泯於馬來西亞檳城的Hin Bus Depot 藝術中心展出,並舉辦座談會。